9 Hidden Gems For Your Company Blog – Gem #7

Along with ongoing blogs and underserved blog subtopics, there are opposing viewpoint blog post options you can use.

Key Points:

  • Posts With Alternative Perspectives

  • Opposite Opinions Attract Attention

  • Challenge Conventional Content

  • Describe Your Viewpoint Thoroughly

Posts With Alternative Perspectives

Next, we have the concept of taking the opposite approach of other bloggers when you are publishing content for your audience.

Going against the usual take on a concept makes people sit up and notice, but never be controversial to get clicks.

However, you don’t want to be afraid to speak your mind about something if you have an unpopular opinion or an angle that doesn’t necessarily align with everyone else’s opinion.

Opposite Opinions Attract Attention

Your readers will appreciate you’re not afraid to challenge standard thought processes and offer an alternative viewpoint.

As long as you can back up your take on the subject matter with facts or evidence that support your viewpoint, it will be well received or at least open the door to engaging with your audience.

It also helps bring more people on board who may not be able to find anyone discussing this topic in a way they agree with. It doesn’t have to be something where you are arguing with others, either.

Challenge Conventional Content

You can debunk some of the misconceptions about your industry and offer data that explains why you think the way you do without ridiculing others for opposing viewpoints.

If you can bring on another expert who can support your findings, that will do even more to add credibility to your content. Or, if you can conduct a case study that proves your side, that’s even better.

For example, we provided a case study about the lazy side of marketing that most agencies won’t reveal to their audiences. Here’s the link to that post for context.

Describe Your Viewpoint Thoroughly

If you are using this approach to blogging, make sure you talk about the opposing argument and break it down in a way that disproves that approach and offers supporting arguments for your side.

Try to think about what people will say to argue against your viewpoint and preemptively address that within your blog so that you have fortified your position and are covering the subject matter in a balanced, respectful way.

Make sure that you handle any criticism or negative feedback maturely because you will likely have people who comment or respond to your post with their own. You always want to appear professional and expect the backlash while staying true to your opinions.

When you are ready for us to write your company’s blog content, contact us and schedule a free content consultation.