9 Hidden Gems For Your Company Blog – Gem #8

When your company blog content becomes outdated, please don’t delete it; update it with new material to reflect current industry standards.

Key Points:

  • A Fresh Look at Old Blog Content

  • What’s Changed Overtime?

  • Your Audience Relies On Updates

A Fresh Look at Old Blog Content

Sometimes, readers get bored with industry bloggers because they repeatedly publish the same information that is already known and never consider updating a topic.

Another way you can draw attention to your company blog is to revisit outdated concepts and inject new opinions about them. Or, make some future predictions based on cutting-edge information that you have about your industry.

Staying current about new research and talking about how these findings affect previous strategies helps your readers trust that you have their best interest at heart.

What’s Changed Overtime?

Start looking at trends that have evolved over the years in your industry and discuss these with your readers. For instance, what’s changed influencing consumer behavior and decisions?

In your post, identify any information readers consume that you feel is outdated and irrelevant. Once you pinpoint that, address it with your readers.

Explain why it’s inaccurate, what they should replace it with, and where you think it may be going from that point on.

Your Audience Relies On Updates

When information becomes obsolete, consumers rely on industry leaders like you to keep them updated. They may not be paying attention to all of the details of the niche that you are in.

Sharing new data and findings reassures your audience that you are the expert who presents cutting-edge information they can trust. This might be a strategy, a technology, or a trend that needs to be discussed.

When you are ready for us to write your company’s blog content, contact us and schedule a free content consultation.