Day 30 – Analyzing and Adjusting Your 30-Day Results

Digital marketing has become an essential component of the business world. It is no longer enough to rely solely on traditional marketing methods. Local businesses must embrace digital marketing to remain competitive and reach their target audience. However, creating a successful digital marketing plan can be challenging, especially for those who are new to the… Continue reading Day 30 – Analyzing and Adjusting Your 30-Day Results

Day 29 – How to Set Up and Run a Referral Program for Local Businesses

A successful referral program can be a powerful tool for local businesses to attract new customers and increase sales. Day 29 of the 30 day digital marketing plan for local businesses is all about setting up and running a referral program for existing customers. This is a great way to leverage the power of word-of-mouth… Continue reading Day 29 – How to Set Up and Run a Referral Program for Local Businesses