9 Hidden Gems For Your Company Blog – Gem #5

Though we’ve reached the halfway mark, this hidden gem shows you how to build your knowledge base.

Key Points:

  • On-Going Series of Blog Posts

  • Chopping Up Details

  • Your Title Starts The Series

  • Uncovering More Topics

On-Going Series of Blog Posts

Most company blogs focus on individual, standalone blog posts rather than a series that goes on for several dates or parts. To draw more interest in your blog content, a series approach helps bring more readers in, keeping them engaged until you end the series.

This is the perfect scenario when your content is too large for one post. When you have different aspects that you want to teach regarding a complex topic, break it down into bite-sized pieces, allowing your readers to focus on one part at a time.

That also gives each post in the series a chance to rank better because the topic focuses more on one concept and keyword. Then, you link to the other parts within each section of the series so that if your reader lands on part 4 from a search engine result, they can quickly jump to part one and begin.

Chopping Up Details

When you have a topic with significant details, all you have to do is break it up into smaller pieces. For instance, you might have an ongoing, never-ending series discussing a specific topic slant each week.

An example of this might be a series for discussing industry news, which is constantly changing, and you want to keep your readers updated. Or, if you are in a niche like weight loss and your series has a weekly post about healthy meals and their ingredients, how to cook them, the nutritional aspect of it, etc.

All you have to do is think about how you want to present the topic to your audience and how many parts you feel would make sense to publish. You can have something as simple as a three-part series, a 30-day series, a seven-part series, or, as stated before, one that never ends.

Your Title Starts The Series

Consider how you want to title your post so that readers can understand what the series is about, and be sure to encourage them to stay on your list for future installments of the series coming available.

You must consistently publish a series if you have promised it to your readers. If you say you will post every day for 30 days, you need to make sure you have the series prepared ahead of time to stick to that schedule.

If something happens to come up with an ongoing series, make sure you publish a note to your readers letting them know when the next installment will appear and have something ready for them to read as a replacement.

Uncovering More Topics

You may eventually find topics where it would make sense to have a spinoff series, or you may realize there is much information about one part within your series.

You can then create a pillar blog post based on that concept or even turn it into an info product for your readers. This approach opens the door to future posts, topics, and input from your audience.

When you are ready for us to write your company’s blog content, contact us and schedule a free content consultation.