Day 26 – Host a Live Q&A Session on Instagram or Facebook

Local businesses often struggle with digital marketing, especially when it comes to creating a comprehensive plan that drives results. However, with the right approach, it’s possible to develop a 30-day digital marketing plan that can help businesses increase their online visibility and reach new customers. One effective tactic to consider on Day 26 of the… Continue reading Day 26 – Host a Live Q&A Session on Instagram or Facebook

Day 25 – Create and Publish a YouTube Shorts Video

Creating and publishing YouTube Shorts videos is a great way to showcase your creativity and gain more exposure on the platform. In this article, you’ll learn the step-by-step process for creating and publishing a YouTube Shorts video. First, it’s important to understand what YouTube Shorts are. Shorts are brief, vertical videos that are 60 seconds… Continue reading Day 25 – Create and Publish a YouTube Shorts Video

Day 24 – How to Share Your Latest Blog Post on Social Media

Digital marketing is essential for local businesses to gain exposure and increase their customer base. With the right strategy, companies can significantly improve their online presence and attract more customers. However, creating a successful digital marketing plan requires careful planning and execution. This article will focus on Day 24: Sharing the latest blog post on… Continue reading Day 24 – How to Share Your Latest Blog Post on Social Media

Day 23 – Automate Your Blog Post Writing and Publishing

On day 23 of your digital marketing plan, it’s time we briefly talk about how to automate your blog post writing and publishing. Before you begin, please return to Day 7 for the complete game plan for creating and publishing blog posts on your website. It’s imperative to repeat this initial step consistently. That information… Continue reading Day 23 – Automate Your Blog Post Writing and Publishing

Day 22 – How to Set Up and Run Your Retargeting Ad Campaign

Day 22 of your digital marketing plan is all about setting up and running your first retargeting ad campaign aimed at your website visitors. As a local business owner wanting to boost your online presence, this process is a game-changing strategy. The instructions include suggestions to help you increase your website traffic, engage with your… Continue reading Day 22 – How to Set Up and Run Your Retargeting Ad Campaign